2021 - Check out our Lockdown Class Experiment
Te Kete Rokiroki a Whakaotirangi
The secure basket of Whakaotirangi
This whakatauki refers to our ancestress tupuna, Whakaotirangi who was tasked with keeping the kumara secure as Te Arawa waka journeyed here to Aotearoa sometime around 1300AD.
On arrival at Maketu, Whakaotirangi disembarked and planted the first tipu putting in place a tradition of growing kūmara in the Bay of Plenty and Rotorua.
Kāore to kūmara he kōrero mō tōna ake reka
The kūmara never speaks of its own sweetness

15th November (Day 83)
Pūtaiao - Science
Think like a scientist and choose one of Ryans Experiments - upload it to Seesaw
How To Think Like A Scientist
- Observe - Hypothesise - Experiment - Analyse - Study - Try things - Ask Questions - Test -
NanoGirl's Great Science Adventures
We went outside to create this experiment and thought about this question:
Q. Why did the first leaf not breath underwater but the second one did?
A. Because it’s bigger. Because the stalk wasn’t in the water. Because it was squished. Because it is darker. Not enough sun.
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